Friday, September 27, 2013

Ms. Young caught slipping.
So for photography today we were shooting our Pop Art pictures. Vinnie was taking my mugshots and he caught Ms. Young slipping.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

For this fun filled day we were shooting our HDR photos. We didn't have any interesting spots at school. So, I was taking a picture of our trees in the 300-400. I caught the essences of the big tree. I

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

For this photo I had Anthony Mitchell take a mug shot of me. Then, I got onto photo shop. I edited the picture and cut out the background then the background photo I cut it out the same size and length as myself cut out. I had to do trial and error to try and get the picture to get it the way I want it to be. I took me a good 15 minutes to get this picture the way I wanted it to be. 

Dixon Lake
 My friends and I went down to Dixon to go fishing and get our panoramic pictures done with. So, we used Anthony's camera to get our picture. We took about 60 photos each to get this one good photo. I had my friends head in the center bottom, but I photo shopped him out with the lasso tool. I used Anthony's tripod to keep the camera still and steady. I moved the camera about 1/4 of an inch at a time. But I only used about 26 photos to get this one good clean shot. I like the way I caught the color of the water blending in with the trees and the different colors of the mountain ranges.  Also, I caught some people in the background fishing and enjoying the rest of their day. This picture shows the beauty of nature and how relaxing it can be to just enjoy your day and fish or even walk around for a while.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

So this day in photo, we were taking random pictures so we could do our multiplicity project. I told Bianca to go stand/sit on the blocks, and just be random. So, she went over and made some faces, stood there acting weird. I took about 10 shots of her and got 3 good pictures to finish up my project. I took this picture next to the gym at O.G.H.S. When I was done shooting, we head back to class, and I went into photo shop to edit it. I cut out Bianca in two pictures so I could it get in to the last picture. I had some trouble adjusting Bianca to the picture Because when I set to To finish off the photo. I flatten the image out and changed the darkness of the picture.