Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dixon Lake
 My friends and I went down to Dixon to go fishing and get our panoramic pictures done with. So, we used Anthony's camera to get our picture. We took about 60 photos each to get this one good photo. I had my friends head in the center bottom, but I photo shopped him out with the lasso tool. I used Anthony's tripod to keep the camera still and steady. I moved the camera about 1/4 of an inch at a time. But I only used about 26 photos to get this one good clean shot. I like the way I caught the color of the water blending in with the trees and the different colors of the mountain ranges.  Also, I caught some people in the background fishing and enjoying the rest of their day. This picture shows the beauty of nature and how relaxing it can be to just enjoy your day and fish or even walk around for a while.


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